Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Questions for the President

In high school, we were told to be quiet, listen, believe everything and question nothing.
In college, we are taught to speak out, think for ourselves, trust nothing and question everything.

My mind has never been able to fully wrap around the concept of "pro-life" versus "pro-choice." Is the term "pro-life" a term coined by a right-wing conservative that had hopes of making "pro-choice" believers look as if they are "pro-death?" Who knows.

But I do have some serious questions for the man in the White House.

In 2003 you signed the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 (shown below). Did you not realize the Act contained no exception to protect the mother's health? Also, this picture worries me. A group of men, laughing and patting each other on the back-- not a woman to be seen.

What's the deal with the anti-abortionists bombing abortion clinics? Couldn't that be translated to-- you should have been aborted x-number of years ago?

But here's a tough one for our president. You are pro-life when it comes to abortion, even revoking funds for stem-cell research due to its "moral issues." Yet, you support the death penalty. In your five years of governor of Texas, the state executed 131 prisoners-- far more than any other state. It doesn't add up. How can this be explained?

Abortion was made legal for a reason, we all know the story behind Roe vs. Wade. If it were ever overturned, it would only mean that those seeking abortion would end up in clinics that aren't inspected by health services, with "doctor's" that don't even need degrees. Thus only making matters worse, and endangering the lives of women who simply cannot have or care for a child for whatever reason.

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